AA Studio

Flats Conversion

aa studio Architecture and Urbanism have considerable experience of converting houses, flats, and offices. There are numerous things to consider before you decide about your property conversion. We ensure that you are given proper consultancy and guidelines.

Moreover, the value of the property will be higher, as we, as professional architects, will take all aspects of the conversion into account and make certain you have as much space as possible in converted flats. That is especially important if you convert houses in London and the Home Counties.

We can offer solutions for converting one dwelling unit into multiple occupancy OR vice versa – a converted building of flats into a single dwelling unit. Our flexible approach gives clients access to project problems and solutions. We do subdivision for a building wing or a whole or part of one floor or combination of both.


For guidelines and more information on see planning portal


Flats Conversion, Flats Conversion London, House converting into flats, property convert into flats